Invitation - Closed
(Invitation/Submission extended to 17 Dec 2019)

Inviting Singaporean artists to participate in this prophetic move to commemorate Singapore’s coming 55th birthday for 2020 as a response to God’s call to prophesy into Singapore’s divine destiny.
A lion has roared! Who will not fear?
The Lord God has spoken! Who can but prophesy?
(Amos 3:8)
Invitation to paint/draw/create artwork :
Whether you are professional artists, practising artists or prophetic artists, we invite you to participate in this special web event calling those who share a heart-beat to uphold and stand in the gap for our nation Singapore with a 'roar'.
Each artist is to submit 1 to 3 artworks of roaring lion (male or female lion/cubs) in any medium except digital.
All artworks can be past or current artworks as long as they are still in the ownership of the artist (not sold, not given away, not lost).
The artwork has to be artist own individual artwork representing his/her authenticity/craftmanship (not from classes or aided by instructor).
Those who are interested in participating, kindly send to following email address : theroar2020@gmail.com by end Sept 2019 so we can anticipate the number of artworks that will be coming in. Pleas provide :
artist name
mobile contact
anitcipated number of artworks.
Artists can begin to submit following starting Aug - 15 Dec 2019 to email theroar2020@gmail.com
artist brief profile (doc. format) or artist's personal web link (if available)
artworks (in jpeg format) : size in inches / medium of artwork / price of artwork if selling
personal email address for buyer to contact artist directly for price/sales/charity/delivery (organiser is not responsible for any communication/equiry/transactions between artists and buyers/charitable organisations).
Organiser will select the best and most appropriate 55 artworks if more than 55 artworks are received.
Selected artworks : Will be posted on this weblink & other social media links.
once 55 artworks are selected, we will not accept any more submissions even if it is still within the submission date.
Artists must ensure they do not violate copyrights of other artists/photographers. If artists are painting exactly the same from a someone's photo or artwork, that painting can still be displayed on web but will not be allowed to sell. Artists is responsible when submitting the art pieces to the organiser.
Organizer has the right to reject any art piece that is deemed not suitable for the entry. Artwork accepted for showcase will be notified by return mail.
Artworks will be updated & showcased on recommended web link or other social media (will notify participating artists).
Irene Wong
13 Aug 2019