Jacke Tan
Artist Code : 16
About the Artist :
Jacke have been formally educated in advertising and graphic design. And was introduced to Prophetic Art in 2009 and have been actively moving in the prophetic and creative arts ministry. Her passion is to impact culture through the arts and equip and activate on how to step into their supernatural destiny. She have been leading the Prophetic Art Ministry in Church of Our Savior for about 3 years.
She believes that the Lord has called her into Prophetic art to impact culture. equipping the body to walk in the fullness of their call. Through the Holy Spirit, to translate Kingdom creativity into the human spirit and the world. She activates churches, partnering with Paul and the creative arts team in how to touch their community through creative expressions and love. To collaborate with Him to bring His Light, His creativity and imaginations, visions, skills and all into the art we do, thereby doing what is done in heaven, here on earth.
She hopes to see transformations and healings happening through the work they are called to do. And that the Lord will use these avenues mightily, and that through art, lives can be touched and to impact culture and bring forth a revival in the world.
Her desire is to see a new generation of christian artists to rise up, who are unafraid, and can boldly declare His glory and that to bring world-class christian art into the secular world and lead the secular art scene.
Contact Artist directly for any enquiries or sale of artwork :
Cloaked (R16-01)
15 December 2019
Mixed Medium on wood block
60 x 90 cm
Price : S$5,000
When I was invited to paint a roaring lion, my mind went blank as I’ve always been more of an ‘abstract’ artist and I didn’t want to present another ‘religious’ piece but something that is from my heart. I’ve drawn lions before but never made an effort to paint one so this was a truly big challenge. It was also a time where I was going through a journey that is particularly difficult.
This piece is a reminder to prevail and press on because the Lion of Judah is with us, also I saw Him wrapping a great cloak around us, the purple cloak represents our identity as royalty. We are to put on the new man, the imprint is a reminder of the tree of life & the river that flows from the throne room into our hearts.
“that you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness.”
Ephesians 4:22-24 NKJV